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In Picard, Stewart gets back into the rhythm in about 26 seconds. It’s been nearly 26 years since The Next Generation ended its seven-season run. He’s back in Star Trek, back as Captain Jean-Luc Picard. In the meantime he has returned to familiar territory. “So now maybe down the road I shall get another career going doing comedy.” (“Suddenly her clothes fall off, and I’ve seen everything,” Stewart enthuses lecherously.) Things “changed a little” for Stewart after Extras, he said. Stewart played himself as an aspiring screenwriter, whose masterpiece-in-progress revolves around his character seeing naked women.

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For those accustomed only to Sir Patrick’s decorous Star Trek line readings, the cameo was a revelation - a bawdy, uproarious scene-stealing bit of farce. In 2005, Stewart appeared in an episode of Extras, the Hollywood backlot satire created by and starring Ricky Gervais. Article content Patrick Stewart in a scene from the first episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Manage Print Subscription / Tax Receipt.

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